Nacho Muñoz Cano
Escuela de Arte de Murcia
7artworks online
artist’s note
He started his artistic training at the age of nine. Almost all of his work is watercolor, a technique that has always been highly attracted by its transparency, instantaneousity, detail, and subtle perception of an almost imperceptible reality.
His basic painting is based on the surrounding environment and, as a reflection of this, we see in many of his paintings the Murcian garden. It explores nature and, by stopping in fruit details of lemon trees, fig trees... or in corners that it gives you.they're looking for a special interest, trying to look through the tarnished veils for that precise instant, that light that hangs by the canvas and hugs the viewer until it catches.
Nacho Muñoz proposes to us a meeting with those lights, shadows, textures, colors and sensations that dwell between the canvas, his gaze, and that strange place from which the creative instant emerges.