Q: Is there a minimum or maximum age for the internship program?
A: Yes, the minimum age for the internship program is 18 and the maximum age is 28.
Q: Do you provide assistance for males to find a place to stay at during the internship?
A: Yes, we will help you to find your accommodation.
Q: Is the internship paid?
A: No, the internship is unpaid.
Q: What are the working days and hours for the internship?
A: It’s flexible.
Q: Is the minimum of 3 months internship always required?
A: It’s okay if you work less than 3months but you need to pay additional 300USD.
Q: Do I need specific qualifications to work for ACOPIA?
A: As an intern at ACOPIA, the following qualifications are expected:
High school or university student (undergraduate or graduate);
Age 18 - 28
Proficient in English (ability to speak Korean and/or Japanese is an advantage as these languages are often used in the office)
Able to work with minimal supervision
Has a positive working attitude and is able to relate well with people from different cultures
Q: What do you do as an intern at ACOPIA?
A: As an intern at ACOPIA, you can be responsible for various tasks such as promotional activities, K-POP School Program support duties, social media activities, shooting team and so on.
Please find more information about the activities on our intern program page.
Q: Do I have to have good level of Korean?
A: No, it is not required. However, having a basic level of command in Korean or Japanese could be helpful.
Q: Is the internship program available all year round?
A: We only accept up to 5 interns at the same period.