

Kanda University of International Studies, Korean Language Department ~ Exchange student at Kyunghee University.

I have been studying at Kyunghee University as an exchange student for about a year, since February 2016. Before coming to Korea I studied Korean language for two years at my university but I felt that I could not reach the level I wanted. That is why I decided to come to Korea for my 3rd year of university. The first semester finished in the blink if an eye. I decided to join Asia Hope Camp organization during my second semester to gain some valuable experience that will help me in my future job search in Japan.

My work in Asia Hope Camp Organization is mainly divided into three. First, I support the Hiroba Korean classroom where students learn Korean language with private teachers. The classroom is operated by Korea Plaza Hiroba. My activities include: communications with the teachers, manage bookings and cancelations of classes, public relations of Hiroba, etc.

Second, I participate in a joined program between Asia Hope Camp Organization and the resident center in Yeonnam-dong, district of Seoul. As a volunteer, I give Japanese lessons to the people of Yeongnam Dong area. While studying Korean I encountered some difficulties and I feel I can use my experience as a student to help other people learn Japanese.