Upon completion of the form, camp applicants are required to send the deposit fee in order to confirm participation in the camp. Intern applicants, on the other hand, must pay the deposit fee once he/she confirmed of pursuing the internship program or training camp and once he/she has clarified all necessary information. Housing payment must be completed before arrival in Korea. Please refer to our terms below before paying.
①Method of Payment: PayPal
When sending the payment through Paypal please send the payment to the following Paypal address:
*Please pay the fee in USD.
PayPal Fee Calculator :
Final Payment Calculator
Due to the nature of international payment and processing fees, the final price must be calculated to account for them.
Please use this form to calculate your final payment.
Bank Payment:
PayPal Payment:
②Method of Payment: Bank Transfer
■ If You are in a country other than Korea, Make a deposit to this Foreign currency account. Please send the fee in USD.
Bank name: Kookmin Bank
Account name: Asia Hope Camp 0rganization
Account number: 009968-11-009776
Bank address : 167 Naesoo-Dong, Jongro-Gu, Seoul 101-719 KOREA
Bank phone number : +82-2-732-9301
■ If You are in Korea, Make a deposit to this domestic account.
Bank name: Kookmin Bank
Account name: Asia Hope Camp Organization
Account number: 009901-04-115687
Terms and Conditions
By using our website and deciding to participate in any of our programs, you express your agreement to Asia Hope Camp Organization’s Terms and Conditions.
You agree to provide true, complete and accurate information. If you are a minor (age 17 and below), you are required to obtain consent from your parents or guardians. Participants of our programs are requested to give their review/report after the camp. By participating in our programs, you give us the right to post your review alongside related images from the finished programs on our website and other social media accounts.
Services / Participation in Programs
You agree to take responsibility on checking all the information especially of the services you pay for/procure from our website, and on providing only true and accurate information. Any losses or damages caused by not doing so will not be Asia Hope Camp Organization’s responsibility.
Travel Insurance
Participants of our programs are also required to avail their own travel/medical insurance. You acknowledge that insurance coverage is not covered by your participation fee.
Flight Booking and Travel Documents
Participants of our programs must be responsible for booking their own flights. It is also the participants' responsibility to acquire necessary travel documents such as passport and visa. The organization will not be responsible for changes in flight status and it will not provide support in acquiring visas and other related documents. Inability to acquire and/or comply with any of the travel requirements will not be our responsibility and such will end in the cancellation of the entire internship application.
Payments and Cancellations
Payments for our services can be made through the following: Bank transfer or PayPal. You are required to pay the deposit fee or full payment in order to make a reservation at the ACOPIA Share House. If you choose to pay via bank transfer, you must pay within 48 hours. You are responsible for paying the transaction fee/s that will be incurred during the process of the bank transfer. A copy of the receipt of your payment/s must be sent to our e-mail address, We will reply and confirm your participation once your payment has been received. Please wait for our confirmation before booking for flight tickets or making any travel plans. The deposit fee is used to ensure availability of a slot, to reserve a room and to obtain other services we provide. Once the deposit fee has been sent, a refund cannot be claimed. We only give refund to Housing payments. Failure to pay the deposit or full payment before the deadline will result in the cancellation of reservation and the entire internship application.
Due to the nature of international payment and associated fees, Asia Hope Camp Organization may request an additional 4% + $10 USD on bank transfers and 4.4% on PayPal transactions.
Changes in Terms
Asia Hope Camp Organization has the right to change the contents of its Terms and Conditions. As participants to its programs, you agree that it is your responsibility to regularly review the organization's website and its Terms and Conditions.