❁ ~ Hi Hello Hi ~ ❁
My name is Michèle. I am a half French half Korean 4th year BBA student at ESSEC Business School. As part of my studies, I have been working in ACOPIA during the past 6 months and a half as a Team Manager.
As I had a “paid staff” position, I did not have an original activity, but I helped the interns formulate, plan and carry out theirs. My main missions consisted in administrative tasks such as replying to e-mails and phone calls, managing interns, managing Share Houses, creating partnerships, and most importantly, ensuring that the promotion of all ACOPIA programs was done efficiently and effectively on our social media accounts.
For this, I had to ensure good communication between our founder, Japanese staff members and interns, as all activities of all divisions are carried out in parallel.
My internship has not always been easy. Depending on the time of the year, there were more, or less, busy periods, and many times work was both emotionally and mentally exhausting.
This being said, being able to work as a Team Manager at ACOPIA has brought me many assets. After 6 months, I am definitely more determined and straight-to-the-point, know how to cope with stress, have improved skills in time management, project management, team work, written and verbal communication, and have gained a lot of patience and perseverance. Even if it was in a little organization, being able to work at a managing level gave me a concrete visualization of how “departments” are interlinked. Overall, I feel like I now have a better vision and definition of myself and of my future goals. I was previously afraid of responsibilities but I now enjoy them as they give me a sense of purpose.
Overall, my experience in ACOPIA has been hectic (in a somewhat good way) and I am pleased I also got to know many people from around the world, some of them who with I wish I could keep in touch after many years.
I hope every intern who comes in the future also enjoys their internship at ACOPIA and has a wonderful experience in Korea.
Thanks for reading!