Christopher Bell

Internship date : December 23th, 2018 to January 23rd, 2019

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My name is Christopher Bell a graduate of Hobart and William Smith Colleges class of 2019 with a dual degree in Asian Studies & Film Production. During my undergraduate career I was awarded a grant to complete an unpaid internship at the Asia Hope Peace Camp Winter 2018 as a Videographer and Social Media marketing intern. Today I'm reaching out because I would like to follow up my experience there with a Full TIme paid position starting October 25th to January 25th should you have me. I am moving to Mapogu, Seoul, South Korea this October and I seek to pursue a career in International Marketing, Film Production, Media Tech solutions, and Entertainment industry.

During my time there at ACOPIA I would host English Language Conversation tables. work with a team to film, edit, and archive content for ACOPIA Entertainment events. In addition, our intern cohort collaborated to organize the ACOPIA Cafe for the annual KJ Forum where we served as hosts and facilitated scheduled events. In addition, when promoting ACOPIA Entertainment K-Pop School through print and electronic publishings, I intergrated the use of QR codes for students to apply faster through links directly to the K-pop school applications.

I have a current passport, visa eligible, and speak five languages: English (Native), Spanish, Japanese (Proficient), Hongul (Beginner), and a little Italian.

As an experienced hire, I'll easily adapt to the work culture, be teachable for new roles within the company ecosystem, and build upon existing marketing strategies to make more sales in the ACOPIA business model. Thank you for your time and consideration.