Chiara Marra – original intern activity report 05/04/2018
Week 1: (03/19/2018)– (03/23/2018)
- Create poster/flyer
- make a list of where to put them
- Poster created
Week 2: (03/26/2018) – (03/30/2018)
- contact schools in advance & ask teachers to announce it to their class + go there and out the poster/flyer
- advertise online
- posted on social media
- asked at sogang university and korean art high school, awaiting response
Week 3: (04/02/2018) – (04/06/2018)
- wait for paintings
- draw one or two to make it look less empty
- 2 offers for pictures, waiting for pick up
- drew one
- pictures put up
Week 4: (04/09/2018) – (04/13/2018)
- display art gallery
- have enough interested so that there will be different paintings displayed in the future
My instagram posts
My introductory picture
Donation: Portrait of Duy
Donation: Pikachu